Hard Things

We are just finishing chaplain work in Oklahoma. It was quite hot but so was the ministry there. “Hot” in that God gave us and our chaplain team many opportunities to share Christ and to provide emotional and spiritual care to those we met, but He also arranged some divine appointments. I love how he orchestrates things!

Lord, thank you for how you work to love people into the kingdom. You don’t need us to do this work, but you allow us to be part of it.


I am constantly reminded about how God is so patient with me. Just like the Israelites, I get so distracted and self-absorbed in my own “stuff” that I forget what He has done for me. Sometimes I act like I don’t know that he is at work behind the scenes always. I’ve had some personal challenges recently that caused me to not-quite-panic, but also to not-quite-trust. Then He reminded me of His patience with me with the phrase “You can do hard things…with my help.” Don’t forget it like I did.

The Majesty of God’s Creation

We are still traipsing through our summer and trying to endure this record-breaking heat wave. I am overwhelmed at our blessings. 

We did get to escape the heat for a bit and in doing so we were reminded of the MAJESTY of God’s creation! We had an incredible time with family enjoying mountains and wildlife and cool streams and roaring waterfalls. I am so grateful to enjoy “bonus” time with my precious husband. But I am also grateful to my loving God who has allowed this time together.

More than all that, I am grateful for how our Lord has changed my perspective, pretty much on everything. His glorious creation means so much more to me now than in the past. The way he brings special people into our lives when we weren’t even looking for new people, the way he solidifies those strong family bonds, and improves those that could use some strengthening, the way he uses the hot days to help us appreciate the cooler days, the way he reminds us how short life is, sometimes gently and sometimes not so gently, is mind-boggling. 

Lord, thank you for your blessings big and small. Help me to see them as you mean for me to see them. Guide me when I can’t see the forest for the trees.


A mom and young daughter were talking. The mom was pointing in the distance to a beautiful waterfall trying to show it to her pre-schooler. She was saying things like “look up, look at where my fingers are pointing, can you hear the big sound it’s making? It is beautiful!” As much as she tried the frustrated mom could not get the child to look up and out. Then, suddenly, the little girl started squirming and jumping in delight and exclaimed, “Mommy, guess, what? I see a roly-poly down here by my foot!”

Think about this in your quiet moments as I did. Sometimes our Lord has so much for me and I sometimes just stay in my comfort zone focused on my own stuff, my circumstances, getting my own way, having things the way I want them, etc. And I often miss the special, incredible, amazing things he has for me that are just ahead of me.

Look up!

One of Those Days

Do you ever have days where you answer someone who asks you how your day has been with an answer like, “It’s been one of those days!” For me, today has not been one of those days. This day has been a melancholy day and an exciting day all at the same time. It is definitely a day that has been filled with emotion, even overflowing with those emotions. Even roller coaster-like emotions, including all the highs and all the lows.

May 1 is the same day that Jody and I traveled back to Texas from North Carolina after our stint there in 2021. I can’t believe it really. We were in Charlotte for seven months while Jody was recuperating from his medical crisis. Some would say that it has been a long time, but for us it seems like yesterday. Jody is doing well and we are so grateful for the “bonus” days that God has allowed us to have, but it is hard not to re-live some of the experiences that we’ve been through.

A terrific thing that happened is that today the book was published. I had started writing about our journey while in North Carolina when I felt God leading me to turn that into a book. So, finally, it has happened!

There was another sad component to the day for me, though. As I wrote the book, I chose not to tell many people about that project. It was a personal, private, emotional project for me. I didn’t even tell my sister, Lisa, because I wanted to surprise her with the book. She was a cheerleader for me, and I knew that she would be as excited as I am. Unfortunately, Lisa, died suddenly a week before the book was published, so she never knew about it. Now, I wonder if I made a mistake by keeping the news of it from her. But even with this sadness, there is joy for me because I know that Lisa is in heaven now.

Lord, thank you for the reminders you give us in life. Some are good and others are prickly and even sad. The memories are something unique you have given to us. I want to use them to remind myself how you work in my life every single day and all the ways that you have been so good to me. Help me to continue to cherish the bonus days that you have given to me and Jody.

Thank you for my sister, Lisa. Thank you that you provided a way for Lisa, and each of us, to have a relationship with you on this earth and an eternal life in heaven. You promise that when anyone calls out to you in prayer and invites you to be in their life that you will come into their heart. You further promise those who ask with sincerity, with the understanding that they have at the time, that you will take them to their heavenly dwelling place when they die. That is not a possibility, or a maybe–it is a take-it-to-the-bank promise.

And, Lord, thank you for giving me the courage and the strength to be obedient in writing the book. May you use it as you see fit to bless someone along the way.