Well, I’m a little late in wishing you a Happy New Year, aren’t I? So, finally, here it is: Happy New Year!
But I actually delayed writing on purpose because I wanted to give it a little time so that I could ponder. With all the hubbub of the holidays, I think taking time to ponder gets a little lost.
Did you make any resolutions? There are the typical be kind, lose weight, have more fun, get a new haircut, etc. So, here’s my question for you? How’s that working out for you? Have you kept your resolutions or have you, like most people by now, even forgotten what they were if you made any.
Well, I didn’t make any but I did make some decisions and commitments regarding the new year. I hope you will take a second stab at your resolutions or commitments. Just take a moment to think about where you were this time last year or the year before. For me, and for Jody, that is REALLY easy to do. We pretty much measure everything these days as “before Jody got sick” and “after he got to come back to Texas”. The middle is still sort of in no man’s land–not much there I want to remember and for Jody there aren’t many memories during that time period at all.
Anyway, take a look at your life, in an honest way. Are you a better person than you were? Have you tackled some of those projects you said you wanted to tackle? Have you grown spiritually? Have you tried to accomplish something that God has opened the door for you to do? Pause what you’re doing and take a minute and consider. All of us are here because God left us here to accomplish things as part of his plan for our lives and for our part in his plan for the kingdom. If you are like me, you fall short in many areas, but I hope that you are ready to set the reset button and try again to make some spiritual commitments for this year, some resolutions.
Jody and I are so looking forward to another bonus year. We feel so blessed to have every single bonus day together and as we serve the Lord together. You know what they say about life-changing events…You are never the same after them. Your perspective on life is altered. We know that none of us is promised tomorrow. It’s true for each of us, not just those who have been through something life-changing. We hope that we live like that. We discuss it often. Jody and I pray that we never forget that each day, each minute are gifts from God-bonus gifts.
This time of year is especially emotional for me because of the timing of Jody’s hospitalization. Even now, some time later, I get a bit shaky and teary-eyed when I think about those painful, lonely, frightening days. They weren’t really divided into days back then. They were divided into minutes at best. Now, after some time has past, I can divide the time into days and sometimes even weeks.
As we move smack into our busy spring, I want to make more time for Jesus. I want to do a better job of Loving One Another–not just those people whom I already love but also those I have nothing in common with and those that just are not very loveable. (See John 13:35) I want to set a good example for those around me, especially those I know that are not believers. I have some amazing family and friends whom I love dearly. I want them to be in heaven with me one day. I want them to see Jesus in me and to want what I’ve got. Jesus loves me and you so much. He has a special plan for each of us. (See Jeremiah 29:11) I so want them to grasp hold of that special gift.
Jody and I may have more bonus days ahead. I certainly pray so. I plan to share each of those bonus day gifts with my precious husband, but I also want to be spending those bonus days serving God. I know His desire is for me to grow closer to Him this year more than last year and to align myself with him. I want him to continue to work on making me the person he created me to be. That’s definitely a full-time job! I’m glad God doesn’t give up on me, even when it seems like it takes a long, long time.
Will you join me in reconsidering your resolutions for this year? Will you reflect on the bonus days that you have been given?
Be blessed. Trisha